How to find and evaluate a Personal Trainer. The top 5 (or so) things you should be looking for.

In a previous blog post we explored what personal training is and how it fits into the overall world of fitness to help you decide if this is a path, among many fitness options, you should take to help you reach your fitness goals. For those who have either decided or are heavily leaning toward personal training as their fitness path, this post is for you. In this post, we’re going to explore how you go about selecting a personal trainer.

Are you Clean about your KETO or just talking Dirty?

The Ketogenic Diet is a strategic macro-nutrient distribution of daily food intake designed to switch the body’s metabolic state from Glycolysis, whereby glucose from carbohydrate intake fuels the body’s energy needs, to Ketosis, whereby fat is burned for fuel in the absence of the carbohydrates. Once your body no longer relies on glucose as a primary energy source, your liver starts to convert fat into ketones to fuel both body and brain. The macro-nutrient distribution is roughly 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbohydrates. Easier said than done and deceptively dangerous!

The Gift of Magnesium

Can we talk about magnesium for a minute?  Call me crazy, but I can get quite effusive when discussing this powerhouse macro mineral.  In the pantheon of essential minerals, magnesium, in my book, is nothing short of a superstar.  Of course, all the essential minerals are necessary for good health, and they all deserve their due, but hardworking magnesium is truly a miraculous substance — one that we would do well to focus on for the preservation of our own good health.

Season It Up!

Ahh, Summer.  After such a long, cold winter, I’m sure that many of us are now happily enjoying warmer temperatures, longer days, flowers in bloom, and of course, seasonal produce.  For me, there is nothing quite like the taste of the season’s first tender asparagus and leafy greens, or the sweet berries, melons, and peachesContinue reading “Season It Up!”

Chronic Inflammation And How To Tame It

Chronic Inflammation and How To Tame It A stressful life, poor diet, and toxic people, we would all happily trade with a more balanced existence filled with nourishment, inner growth and conscious living. Sure, why not? But it’s not always so easy, when our go-go lifestyles encompass a daily barrage of toxins, infectious agents andContinue reading “Chronic Inflammation And How To Tame It”

Going Caveman With The Paleo Diet – Regressive or Progressive Evolution?

The Caveman Diet Movement, also called the Paleolithic (or Paleo) Diet, is not really a movement, but a comeback. In fact, it’s a comeback from more than 10 thousand years ago, and is gaining momentum. But unlike bell-bottoms, we should all take this burgeoning regression to our ancestral ways seriously and progress backwards towards betterContinue reading “Going Caveman With The Paleo Diet – Regressive or Progressive Evolution?”

Sugars – The Glucose, The Fructose, and The Sucrose of it all.

It is now the Year 2013 and we all know sugar is the enemy. So, table sugar (aka poison, also known as sucrose) is appropriately in the garbage, and label reading for ‘sugar’ content is now a grocery shopping ritual. Yet, the full sugar story is only partially revealed. Sugars, like fats, are not createdContinue reading “Sugars – The Glucose, The Fructose, and The Sucrose of it all.”