With countless myths and old wives tales running through every family and community circle, expectant mothers are bombarded with advice.
Can I Exercise While I’m Pregnant?

With countless myths and old wives tales running through every family and community circle, expectant mothers are bombarded with advice.
When I started InForm Fitness I wanted to share my beliefs about the value and efficacy of the Power-of-10 workout.
A recent article about the Functional Fitness Movement has me fuming, this new fad is neither efficient nor safe.
Once in a while my wife and I watch movies together at home. We love movies that entertain us and provide some respite from life. Occasionally, I relate to a main character or they might strike a chord. One recent evening as my wife and I were watching The Contender, a 2000 movie with JoanContinue reading “I COULD’VE BEEN A CONTENDER”
Fat is simply the most misunderstood component of the modern diet, and ‘healthy’ and ‘low-fat’ are dangerously regarded as synonymous. After years of experts recommending that we eliminate fat completely from our diets, they are now starting to concede that some fats, like Omega-3s, are good for us. Notwithstanding, we are told to proceed withContinue reading “The Skinny on Fats”
Sometimes I wonder why people just don’t cancel their gym memberships and join InForm Fitness. I have long asked myself, with genuine curiosity and not out of a fanatical, I just-drank-my-own-Kool-Aid belief kind of way, why would any reasonable person spend 5 or more hours a week on their fitness regime when 20 minutes wouldContinue reading “Get A Life”
The Caveman Diet Movement, also called the Paleolithic (or Paleo) Diet, is not really a movement, but a comeback. In fact, it’s a comeback from more than 10 thousand years ago, and is gaining momentum. But unlike bell-bottoms, we should all take this burgeoning regression to our ancestral ways seriously and progress backwards towards betterContinue reading “Going Caveman With The Paleo Diet – Regressive or Progressive Evolution?”
I have focused my attention and efforts on blogging for three months now, because I am passionate about helping others discover the benefits of healthy living. By healthy living I mean getting adequate rest, eating well, and regularly performing safe and efficient exercise. Until now, my soapbox audience has been limited to either those whoContinue reading “Rest, Nutrition, and Exercise – The Three Pillars of The Power of 10”
While none of us can escape the inevitability of passing time, we are not entirely powerless over our own aging process, and do not have to surrender to its effects. I can now, with complete confidence, assert that InForm Fitness is home to the real Fountain of Youth! That’s right folks. The Power of 10Continue reading “Effects of Aging Suck – But You Can Change That”
It is now the Year 2013 and we all know sugar is the enemy. So, table sugar (aka poison, also known as sucrose) is appropriately in the garbage, and label reading for ‘sugar’ content is now a grocery shopping ritual. Yet, the full sugar story is only partially revealed. Sugars, like fats, are not createdContinue reading “Sugars – The Glucose, The Fructose, and The Sucrose of it all.”