What’s changed since Power of 10?

“I’ve made the mistake of not thinking for myself in a way, just following a strict protocol. Now, I still believe in the principles of lifting weights slowly and safely and there has to be a certain level of intensity, but that’s where the rules end.” Adam Zickerman, owner of Inform Fitness and author of Power of 10, speaks to HITuni about his story and how his perspective on exercise has changed over the years.

Put Your Oxygen Mask Back On!

Put Your Oxygen Mask Back On! “What About Me?” is my summertime inner-self mantra! But rather than speak for anyone else (although surely many empathize), I will reflect on my own experiences. Summer is coming to a close – that’s a Season, not a three-month vacation. I realize now, the grass always appears greener, irrespectiveContinue reading “Put Your Oxygen Mask Back On!”


Controlling Your Quality Of Life The true, universal value of exercise boils down to only one thing – your quality of life. Despite tragedies out of our control, genetic dispositions both physical and metabolic, and our society’s shared struggle to prioritize exercise above the myriad seemingly more pressing responsibilities, heedlessly trust that deprioritizing concentrated physicalContinue reading “EXERCISE TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT”

Get Stronger for Your Sport in Record Time

In our latest Podcast, Adam Zickerman and Mike Rogers welcome Laura Crump Anderson, InForm’s Equestrian Fitness Specialist, to discuss the importance of being your strongest and fittest for your athletic sport. Whatever your sport may be, all athletes need to train smart if they want to stay in the game! Specific to this Podcast, however,Continue reading “Get Stronger for Your Sport in Record Time”

Horsing Around: The Reclined Half Pass For Your Obliques

 Laura Crump Anderson is an Equestrian Fitness Specialist at InForm Fitness Leesburg. She is certified as a personal trainer by the American College of Sports Medicine and specializes in working with riders of all ages and disciplines. Read more of her EN fitness columns here. The reclined half pass for the obliques is anContinue reading “Horsing Around: The Reclined Half Pass For Your Obliques”

Feed Your Gut

FEED YOUR GUT We’ve heard a lot about gut health lately, and with good reason. Good gut health translates to a strong immune system, a balanced metabolism, the effective breakdown and assimilation of our food, and, according to recent studies, good brain health as well. But good gut health is wholly dependent on the maintenanceContinue reading “Feed Your Gut”

Back to Basics

BACK TO BASICS We are what we eat, right?  We’ve all heard the saying, but the statement is true.  Just think about it.  Everything that we ingest gets absorbed into our bloodstream and serves as the basis for nourishing our cells, building our tissues, boosting our immune system, and maintaining a healthy metabolism.  So, itContinue reading “Back to Basics”

InForm Fitness Podcast Recap

InForm Fitness Has A Podcast? In contemplating the relative success of the InForm Fitness Podcast – 20 Minutes with Adam Zickerman & Friends  – I was struck by both the daring of it and its underlying commitment to InForm’s Vision, Mission and Core Values. InForm Fitness took on the podcast project, considering how it alignedContinue reading “InForm Fitness Podcast Recap”

Bone Broth: Miracle Food?

As you know, the InForm Fitness Team is certainly passionate about high-intensity strength training and helping our Clients reach their peak physical condition. Yet, we never lose sight of the critical role excellent nutrition plays – without it, achieving our goals is impossible. But what is excellent nutrition? I can’t count the times people haveContinue reading “Bone Broth: Miracle Food?”