Turkey Tacos

Right now is a really amazing time to be low carb, gluten, and grain free.  There are numerous companies that make alternate versions of your favorite carbs, and these days you won’t lose all of your friends for replacing rice, mashed potatoes, and pizza crust with cauliflower (only most of your friends).  I’m not big on prepackaged foods, but there’s a brand, Siete, that makes tortillas out of almond flour.  I used these Siete wraps for meal prep this week to make tacos.  One drawback of Paleo is that you really never get to eat with your hands, and while a taco salad is delicious and good for you, it’s still a salad.  I love biting into a taco and having its contents spill out all over me as much as the next guy, and thanks to Siete and companies like them, now I can!

Put Your Oxygen Mask Back On!

Put Your Oxygen Mask Back On! “What About Me?” is my summertime inner-self mantra! But rather than speak for anyone else (although surely many empathize), I will reflect on my own experiences. Summer is coming to a close – that’s a Season, not a three-month vacation. I realize now, the grass always appears greener, irrespectiveContinue reading “Put Your Oxygen Mask Back On!”


Controlling Your Quality Of Life The true, universal value of exercise boils down to only one thing – your quality of life. Despite tragedies out of our control, genetic dispositions both physical and metabolic, and our society’s shared struggle to prioritize exercise above the myriad seemingly more pressing responsibilities, heedlessly trust that deprioritizing concentrated physicalContinue reading “EXERCISE TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT”


For many people, eating right and getting healthy seems like such an elusive task.  I’ve heard all the excuses:  it’s too difficult, nothing works for me, I don’t know which diet to follow… the list goes on.  But I’ll let you in on a little secret — getting healthy doesn’t have to be hard!  ItContinue reading “FIVE SIMPLE STEPS TO BETTER HEALTH”