“On the Banks” with Nicole Gustavson


Can anyone tell their true, whole story in 500 words? Not me. But thanks to the River Creek Country Club’s “On the Banks” publication, I was afforded 500 words to share my passion for what I do professionally, the love I share with the people I work with and how unbelievably grateful I am for the life I lead….(still need more word count)! But, bottom line, I work just as hard as our Clients when in the InForm Studio – I put in my A-game for just 20 minutes once or twice a week. Unlike many though, I don’t enjoy it as much as some of them purport to. I simply love to hate it. Notwithstanding, will I ever stop? NO! Even absent the unparalleled time-efficiency and convenience of the 20-minutes, real results, and guarantees of safety – I am simply terrified to stop strength training, because I see firsthand what happens when you do!

We either use it, or we lose it…as we know all too well. And, if not the InForm way, I would never find the time otherwise. As I say again and again, our Protocol is not a big production, but it’s hard work! And just like brushing my teeth, I will do the InForm workout until the day I die, without looking for ways to keep it fresh, exciting, or any of that other nonsense. I save that effort for the fun stuff, outside the Studio! I strength train to stay strong, just as I brush my teeth to protect my overall health. Just the same, I show up to my InForm workout to get it done, protect my health and live life strong – physically, metabolically and mentally – so I can put my best foot forward into each and every day of my life. Without InForm, I don’t think I would be able to find the time to do that. Join the InForm Family – it’s about time!


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